Welcome to Base Camp
Welcome to Base Camp, glad you could drop in! This is the (admittedly still in progress) skill building part of my cosy corner of the internet.

Why Base Camp?
A base camp is a gathering place, a place of friendship and camaraderie. It is where you prepare for your bid for the summit – or completion of your next knitting project. It is a safe place where you can practice and perfect the skills needed for your journey. I think this is a great analogy for knitting. Just like climbing, knitting is not a competition. More experienced knitters can support the less knowledgeable, in the same way that you watch out for others on the mountain. So let me be your knitting buddy; here you will find resources to support my knitting patterns. And maybe other things that I just think are too good for you not to know about. I’ve learned so much from the generosity of other knitters, that I think it is time for me to share too.
If you have any ideas for additional pattern support or general knitting technique that you would like to see included, please contact me. I would love to hear from you!